Bridging the Gap Between Aid and Development.

How we work

AgGrandize Global is a partnering organization. We find overseas partners with the motivation to build or scale agricultural businesses, and we provide them with a support package to make them successful.

We gather donations, for-profit investment, and volunteered time and equipment from many supportive agricultural experts, and provide a combined support package to these partners.

Trees, Branches, and Vines

We see the need for profitable mid-sized business, small businesses, and charitable services, and we support accordingly.

Employees at Oasis Agro packing feed

Mid-sized businesses are like trees. They take a great deal of investment, but once established they provide stability and long-term fruit. We look for talented teams with business plans that show stability, located in well-governed regions. For these we provide investment structures, raise for-profit capital, and provide business and agricultural mentoring. These create opportunities for customers, distributors, and franchisees to start small businesses.

Chicken farmer with her flock of 600 birds.

These entrepreneurs provide jobs in rural communities, provide valuable services to farmers, and provide support for their family. These branches are what make our core businesses valuable, however each branch is higher risk. We raise donations for these businesses, and lend it out to them at no-low interest to enable them to purchase seed for planting.

Students at Agape Life Christian Academy

Community projects are like vines. They meet the needs of the community, but they have no revenue and can’t be considered to be businesses. While they are equally valuable, they are dependent on the businesses for support. We do not encourage these projects to become businesses that will never be profitable. Instead, for these we raise donations.

You’ll see a mix of each of these in our project page. Those projects that are profitable businesses are not accepting donations, however you will see charitable projects and support funds that work around them. In total, we offer four mechanisms of support: agriculture mentoring, business mentoring, donation support, and investment support.


Our mission is to the developing world. Our current projects are concentrated in Central Asia, however we are open to working in all parts of the developing world. We look for projects that meet one of the three categories above, and where our skills are valuable. This is specifically in agricultural business, and we have particular expertise in row crop cultivation, crop and animal genetics, feed processing, and animal supply chains.